Tuesday 26 January 2010

Objective of Year 2

For our second year with the main project we aim to have everything finished by June 23rd 2010! By then we should have finished our trailer completely and have it ready to show off!
We are also hoping to have some people from industry come and view our work, and see what we have done. The showcase will be running from 2pm to 8pm (With food :D).

Tuesday 12 January 2010


FourtYTwo is the name of our final project team, in this team we will plan design and create a game trailer. The following are Logos that have been created and logos created by my team.
This Logo is The chosen team design.The rest of the images are logo's created while chosing the final design.

These are the designs by Matthew.

To decide which logo to use we all came up with seperate ideas for our logos's these were then all put togther and we chose the one we liked the most. I would put Sean's logo's up but he is to stubborn to send them to me XD, and so I can't show them.
You can see more of this at www.D-an.co.uk