Thursday 13 May 2010

Creating my scenes.

The scenes I was designated were the two montage scenes for the trailer, it is basically going to be a montage of different ships flying through different environments. So in order to create my scenes I have had to make different environments and textures to create a different scene for each clip. At the moment I am in the process of creating more environments which I will then use the ships Mikey created to animate the final clips. I have recently had some problem with transferring files to and from 3D Max 2010 and the older version also installed on the college computers, this caused quite some bother for a while and I had to involve Chris to help me and Mikey. We have had to settle with a compromise of losing the textures from the environment instead of the ship as we didn't manage to keep both of the objects rendered.
The top image shows the first render I have done of one of my enviroments, then below what I started with, then an example of a texture and on the bottom is a selection of some of the textures I have created.

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