Tuesday 23 June 2009

Storyboard Review

The above image is my final storyboard, I think this turned out very well, The only problem I think I had was thinking of a name for the game. I used Photoshop 3Ds Max Google maps and also Google Street view to make the scenes and I think that they all worked out very well.

This image I made by getting some images from Google maps and using the plane model form 3D Max, I then put both of these in Photoshop and enhanced the image to my liking.

This is the image where I have used Chris Griffin, I had to add Chris to one of my images for a separate assignment that tied in well with this one. I also used Google Street view for the background image.

This image was also made with the help of Google Street view, I tried to make this look like a sniper scope, I think I have done quite well with this scene as I have created a good final effect.

This is the splash screen that I made, This had the age rating on and also the company that is making the game, It has my name on it (I have fuzzed it out) and it also has the PEGI Symbols.

This is the scene that shows the release date of the game. I like this as the text looks mirrored and so is the skull.

I think this is good because "The fight of your life" makes it seem more personal to the person looking at the storyboard.

This is one of my favorite pictures, but I also had a problem thinking of the name, I used Photoshop and 3D max for this and I think the helicopter looks good and adds a nice effect to the picture.

This is a picture that I also like, This has the helicopter from the picture above in it and a soldier and column from 3D max.

s is the picture just before the one above in the storyboard, I think this is a lot like my drawings and so is the one above, I am happy because I managed to capture the image that I had in my head. I also think that the background looks good because it suits what I had drawn.


  1. "The only problem I think I had was thinking of a game for the game."

    Your spelt "name" as "game" lolz.

    Awesome work dan, your images have been taken down to be watermarked but I saw your final design in class, nice use of 3D max and photoshop. Good job. Bish.

  2. Thanks Lee, Edited the post also.
