Monday 29 June 2009

Car Crash Animation.

This is a small car crash animation that I have created, I didn't create the models but only animated them, This is why I had to animate the computer that I showed below. I like this animation although it is only short I think that it looks good and if I could spend some more time on this I could possibly get a professional standard of animation. I think this animation turned out how I expected and I am happy with the final product that I have created. I think if I was going to do this again though I would learn about particles and how to use them in 3D Max so I could maybe create some rain some dust coming from the cars wheels and possibly even add some fog. I also think that some sound wouldn't go a miss if I did this again. Although I think this requires a higher level of knowledge in 3D Max than I have currently been taught. I am fairly sure that this animation will not offend anyone as I don't think there is anything to be offensive in this short animation, but if anyone is offended please contact me via this blog.
Overall I think I have animated this well the frames have been organised well and it isn't messy so you don't get confused while animating as this would become problematic.

Below is the animation.

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