Thursday 18 June 2009

Unit 18 Evaluation

I think for the majority of my icons, what I have created fits quite well into the plans that I had made for the end product. This goes for all of the icons except the horror icon, this is because the original plan I had made didn't look too good so I decided to start over. I don't think that anything I have created would be offensive to anyone from any background, I haven't included any from a religion or any content that is too violent.

I have kept a similarity in each of the icons, each icon has some blood on some part of it or around the icon. I like this because it means the icons aren't all really different even though they are each for completely different genres. I am pleased that I managed to draw all of the icons but one, as I have never thought much of my drawing skills but this has let me see otherwise because what I drew I think is quite good. I also think this has helped me improve my Photoshop skills as I have used a few techniques I haven't used before, such as making the image look like it has depth by using the opacity settings.

I think that I managed my time very well as I had completed all of my icons well within the allocated time with time spare to improve on what I had created.

I think if I was going to do this again the only thing I would do differently is be a bit more imaginative with the horror design, but apart from that I would keep everything else the same.
As I am very happy with the overall result of what I have created.

Below is the sort of standard that I was looking to achieve when making the icons, I think I have achieved near to or about this quality of my icons. I am very happy with how the final products look and will keep them. This image is hyperlinked to take you to the creators page.

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