Wednesday 16 June 2010

Creating a simple 3D Environment.

I will be showing how I created a simple 3Ds Max scene. There are some techniques used here that can be used to give your scene a perception of depth also which could be handy.

Once I had created a displacement map in Photoshop and displaced it on a plane in 3Ds Max I got to creating the texture. I used a screen shot from the UVW unwrap and marked out the high and low sections.

I then textured the low section with a rock texture, following this I put a water texture above and set its opacity to a good level which shows the rock below.

I then added some grass for a hilly texture and some snow, one I had these I set to sorting out the texture, making sure it all lined up correctly.

I then created a box surrounding the landscape, took a render from a side on view of my landscape and used Photoshop to create scenery behind the edge of the landscape.

I then created a stand for the track, this was then textured and duplicated across the track.

I then made a sky dome, and textured this.

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