Tuesday 29 June 2010

Trailer reviews

All of the four teams trailers are now completed and I have seen them all. I am going to be reviewing each trailer and I will make separate posts for each. Firstly Paradox.

Team Paradox

The trailer starts of with Lee's first splash screen and moves onto Andy's scene, this shows the character "The Milkman" fuzzing in and out of the screen with static, and behind him is a plane carrying a nuclear bomb. The plane then fly's over a city and drops the bomb. Some of the tall skyscrapers then collapse and the scene fades to the "Paradox" splash screen. It then moves into the scene created by Miles, this scene has a camera panning round the environment and focus's on a flag with the "Dark Shock" logo. Next is the scene created by Charlotte, this has the camera moving in on the house the Milkman lives in, a window smashes and the enraged Milkman appears shouting "Where's my wife?!" followed by the sound of someone getting their head bitten off. After this is the scene created by Tom, this shows the Milkman running through a city and talking to "Officer Jones" they have a conversation and it turns out the Milkman's wife was a cardboard cutout. One of the last scene's was created by lee, this shows a ship driven by the milkman crashing into the environment by Miles. There is a big explosion and the city is show destroyed. Credits follow.

Overall I thought the sound was very good, it all fitted well and didn't sound of bad quality. The last splash screen designed by Charlotte had a Red Dead Redemption style to it, showed all of the information about the game and suited the trailer. And the environment designed by Miles was very detailed, this looked great in the trailer and once it was destroyed with the fog and smoke it looked great!

The only bit I didn't like was the lack of textures in Tom's scene, I think it contrasted from the rest of the trailer which use good high quality textures while his were just colored.
But apart from that I think Paradox created a great trailer that is easy to follow and nice to watch.

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