Tuesday 29 June 2010

Trailer Reviews


The trailer made by 42, (my team) turned out well, when we were making our individual scenes I wondered what the overall quality of the trailer would be, but it was better then expected.
The trailer has scenes from all team members, Me doing the montage scenes, Mikey doing the ship panning scenes and Matthew doing the first planet scene. The sound for the trailer was reasonably good, not quite professional standard but it was audible, fitted the scenes well and was of good quality. I think one of the only improvements our team could have made would be to the credits, I preferred the credits created by Lee for Team Paradox as this had a nice use of lighting and really drew attention to the scene. As well as this I would have liked to have improved the special effect I used in the wire frame scene, where the scene morphs from wire frame to a textures environment.

I think compared to a similar game, such as blur's trailer ours is clearly not as professional. I am comparing it to the trailer for "Blur". This game is in the racing genre and was released quite recently. The trailer shown is of a very good professional example, being an internationally released game with many people working on the game in total. I has a great feel to it while watching as it flows smoothly, sounds great and looks very good quality. Most of the clips shown in the trailer were from gameplay, with added effects such as slowing down and panning the camera around the cars. Our compared to this looks relatively poor, but as we were a team of 4 working on it for a few months at maximum I think we did well.

The team as a whole stuck well to the planning as we all knew what we had to do and what scenes we were assigned. We all gave each other advice and helped other team members when needed. The end product that we created was made in mind for all ages to be able to view, we have not implemented any features or content which would make this trailer have to be rated any higher then "E" for everyone.

I think in the trailer it is aesthetically pleasing, the textures look good and are realistic, the 3D modeling is great and really enhances the feeling of the trailer. Our space style theme has been kept consistent throughout with the environments being set in space, the textures and sound were also sci-fi related which helped!
During our development time myself and all of the team members will look at and review each others work, this will help us improve what we have done and also having the opinions of others while you are working is extremely helpful in personal development.
See previous posts for detailed 3DMax work example.

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