Wednesday 30 June 2010

Digital showcase overview

When I arrived at the digital showcase there were most of the students there already, there were leaflets and little sticky bug things in the room and some new people.
On the big board in one room there was various video clips of interviews from the current students, this was followed by a short video made by a media student about going to college.
In the other room were various computers with examples of digital work created by students, the final teams trailers were playing on the other bi screen and there were the paper based portfolio's on display.
The students were talking to the new people interested in joining the college, telling them what we have been doing and how we created pieces of work. The teachers were getting more involved with people interested in the course, they were interviewing them and giving them more details and answering questions which could not be answered by other members of staff or students.
During the day there was one man from Bradford University, but unfortunately the people from Team 17 didn't turn up. The overall impression I got from the new people was that they were excited to start and liked the look of what was being created and wanted to make a start on it themselves. I enjoyed meeting the new people interested in the college and talking to them, telling them about what we do and why I enjoy it.
The only problem with the day that I say was there were too many people for the rooms we were in, I think having less students at the day would have been better as the rooms were too crowded and extremely hot.
But overall the digital showcase went well.

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